quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2018

Abdrushin Life IV

The Life of Abdrushin

By Randolph Freeman Eales


When Mr. Nagel, who made the crosses of the Grail, worn by those who were baptised, as he also made the jewellery on the Altar of the Lord, hold an exhibition one day, the Princess Hermine, the German Emperor’s wife, came to see him to admire his work. She received the Message of Abdrushin from Mr. Nagel. I emphasize this fact as, on Monday, the 26th of January, when Mrs. Bradbear gave clairvoyance at Highbury in her residence, after reading the Message herself, the Emperor Willian II manifested through her and mentioned that he knew of the Message “In the Light of Truth”. When in former years I felt an urge on the Holy Mountain to write to the Emperor, Abdrushin said to me: “Do so, but never forget that he is nothing but a human being”.
A little while after I had written, I received the Emperor’s invitation to call at Deorn when I would be near to his house. On Monday he mentioned this house, his exile in Holland, and mentioned also that he was sorry that the meeting did not take place. But now, he said through Mrs. Bradbear, he could contact me in quite a different way, more emphatically. He continued that very high entities co-operated with him and in the same instant Mrs. Bradbear perceived building up before our small party the late Queen Victoria, Empress of India, and King Alphonso of Spain. All of them wore their specific gowns. William, the German Emperor, appeared in full General’s uniform with the Marshal’s baton, trying gently to disguise his left crippled arm as he always used to do. Queen Victoria wore on her breast the blue ribbon of the star of the most noble Order of Garter of England. This was founded in 1349 by Edward III in imitation of King Arthur’s chivalry and the round Garter like the Round Table, symbolising the equality of knighthood. “Honi soit qui mal y pense” – evil be to him who evil thinks – is the Order’s motto. Alphonso appeared as if he were still in the body, decorated with the Order of the Golden Fleece of Spain, but all of them testified unanimously that they had recognised Imanuel in the beyond, and, most important of all, his manifestation on the physical plane. They eagerly were trying to push forward his cause and thus help to bring about complete victory of the Light, to burst the walls of darkness, and to establish the reign of God on earth. I dwell at length on that event as it was evidence to me that Mrs. Bradbear’s clairvoyance was absolutely correct. When I listened to those things I remembered the happenings of former years.
Going back to Abdrushin, shortly after separating from his first wife he crossed the path of Maria, the other part of his ego incarnate in a female body. In his lecture on “sex” he reveals the significance of so-called “bisected germs” which must unite and become one again. This process, however, Abdrushin teaches, happens so seldom that it need not be discussed specially.
Before I proceed to give some details about Abdrushin’s second marriage and fulfilment I will try to reconstruct a story, a true story and event, which he narrated to me in September 1937, on my last visit to the Holy Mountains before my imprisonment and emigration to England. Abdrushin said to me: “Note down this story in the same way as you did in Egypt when scribbling into the papyrus what I asked you to write. The incident is remarkable and deserves to be brought to the knowledge of future generations”. I did as he requested – mark well, Abdrushin never demands, he always requests – but the manuscript was confiscated by the Gestapo as I kept it in original handwriting in the Chronicles. The event was evidence to Abdrushin Himself of his future manifestation as the Son of Man.
Do not forget that the veils before his inner vision were drawn away only step by step, until at last he recognised infull His Divine existence. The occurrence took place shortly after his second marriage. The nuptial blessing was given to him and to Maria in one of the old Parish Churches standing along the Dredner Street between Meissen, my birthplace, and Dresden, Saxony’s capital. One day he received an invitation to attend a special meeting, organised by the Spiritualist movement. The demonstration of a famous medium of the world wide repute was expected. I cannot remember the name, but it is of no consequence. Abdrushin felt an inner urge to attend. He managed to secure a ticket at the back of the huge Hall, which was over-crowded. The medium was introduced and started to deliver a trance address.
The amazing feature, however, succeeded the address. Abdrushin felt as if he were uplifted. His inner kernel dwelt in the Grail. Yet he was able to hear with his physical ears. He heard what the medium proclaimed: “There is, in this hall, an entity in the flesh, the flaming light of which cannot be described. The power spreading from it is so overwhelming, even for me, a disembodied soul, that it deprives me of the possibility of expressing myself as I would do. This radiating pillar in a human vessel of flesh and blood sends forward its rays which set everything in motion. I can catch a glimpse of further entities which even in a vision I have never seen before. These beings resemble living forms. Archangels with wings, their eyes sparkling lightning rays. I hear a voice, coming from beyond time and space, as thunder and trumpets: “In Him will dwell Imanuel, to pass World Judgment. Years will elapse till the end will come. A Star will prepare the way for Him. Which will destroy all human presumption. When all dust will be vanished, and vanity gone, when conceit and evil will be blotted out, your globe will be prepared to receive, to acknowledge the King of Kings”.
So far as I remember, it was Isaiah who spoke through the medium and repeated his prophecy of the advent of Imanuel.
It was on the 7th of September, 1937, on the day of the beginning of the Millennium, when Abdrushin told me to write down in the Chronicles what had been foretold through the medium.

(To be continued)

This text is part of the collection G+: Grail Message