sexta-feira, 18 de maio de 2018

Address by Abdrushin

Address by Abdrushin 

at the inauguration of the new Temple

By Abdrushin

Today, for once, I will give you the true, inviolable Word of man’s Right and of his Duty! Whoever wishes to claim rights must first be aware of his duties; for they must be in balance if man wants to spend his life in harmony with God’s Will! No man is to judge another; nor shall anyone make demands on another! Every man shall walk his own path and speak his own language so as not to become a copy of his fellowman! No one shall look at the one he finds more attractive than himself or imitate him for that reason; for no man is created by God who would not bear some kind of beauty within him. I give you the highest command out of which all other commandments must develop: Fulfilment of Duty toward God! From this follows fulfilment of duty toward your fellowman,; from this follows the fulfilment of man’s duties toward animals and plants ! In his smallness man stands before his God and ponders and worries about the duties he has toward Him.
However, fulfillment of duty lies in and is inherent in being natural, in living naturally. Man was given high ideals. They lie slumbering in the depth of his soul. Let them awaken! Do not repress any impulse that makes you feel bliss. It is the beginning of the path to fulfillment of duty toward God and it leads via the fulfilment of duty toward your fellowmen! Help and support your fellowman. It is the way of fulfilling what you owe him! For you ,men, are on your journey in order to mature through and with each other! It is of no benefit to you if you do not harm anyone by isolating yourself and keeping away from people. You would thus neglect your duty!
The heaven of recognition, however, will bless him and open for the one who connected with people and was then able to detach himself again , since he was able to thereby experience everything that he needed and that, at the same time, helped his fellowman to advance. Take the gifts you were given for your journey and let them blossom even though you regard them as small compared to those of your neighbor; they all have the same rights! The only thing that matters is how you use them; whether they bring blessing or harm. No matter how insignificant they may appear, correctly used in your hand they can be of much greater benefit than those that appear greater but are not fully utilized. Any unused gift or power becomes a man’s doom! Only a man who fulfills his duty has the right to live in this Creation! He alone has the right to exist! From the highest commandment there also follows the commandment: Cultivate beauty! Beauty lies in the entire Creation. Every creature manifests it in its own way, yet one creature allowed it to wither: man! Naturalness and beauty are the same! Beauty is not something that is sought or, thought up; it is, and it has always existed. It does not change with the changing times, but it stands among you always alive and in unchanged form. Thousand fold but simple: It crosses your path everywhere and you are to enjoy it, learn from it and let it arise in you in exactly the same way as it lives in every plant, in every animal. You are to be beautiful in honor of your Creator! Do not pass up your fellowmen if they are ugly in their way, thinking :”I can’t learn anything from you!” Take the time to look at them without mocking their weaknesses and you will realize that they distorted and disfigured the very thing that was meant to make them beautiful! Be alert in this way to everything that meets your eyes.
I will not set up judges who will decide whether someone is right or wrong, whether he can make demands on another or has to go without; you are to discover your faults in yourselves! You are to be able to realize yourselves where you have rights and where you have duties. For no one is to take who cannot give! The commandments are living and must never be pressed into rigid forms; this is why I will not set judges before you. You shall not be spared anything that you would be able to do; for to do otherwise would be to lay the foundation for all evil; sinking down into slack comfortableness. Just as the many strands of nerves run through your body and energize every limb, so you must bestir yourselves, you people who form the body of a nation! Not one part of the whole must be idle or it will paralyze its environment! Your activity must intertwine and pulsate from the highest to the lowest caste and from there flow back again to the highest caste. This will cause an eternal cycle whose life stream I strengthen by drawing from the Light in order to bless your work.”