quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2018

Passive Activity

Of the Passive Activity of the Son of Man

by Lucien Siffrid

In the greatest stillness God is highest motion. He is the eternal absolute Being rotating in Himself. Highest power and coherence within Himself, He radiates the Life that created and sustains everything that is and that will be
His outward manifestations are expressed in vibrations which produce quite specific radiation laws.
Thus the breath of God became in its original sound the Word of which it is said:
In the beginning was the Word.”
This word rings and swings onward, creating life in the entire Creation. It is the true
Word of God.
To maintain It pure and strong in Its vibrations in Subsequent Creation, which alone would have provided the possibility for mankind’s progress, was the task of the Archangel Lucifer.
Lucifer, however, placed himself in opposition to God. In self-love, self-will, self-knowledge he banished the Word. Soon It no longer streamed directly into Creation but became rigid as did the life which was to pulsate throughout Subsequent Creation in the living Original Word of the Creator.
Humanity’s lack of power vis a vis Lucifer’s temptations became his power.
While Nature and all the Animistic Substantiality continued to swing vibrantly in the original Word and Its laws, Lucifer’s temptations put distance between man and Nature also. Designated to help work in Subsequent Creation in full harmony with Nature, man soon stood outside of it.
The Word became ever more rigid. Today this is visibly manifested in the fact that, in order to be disseminated, the Word first needs to be cast in leaden molds.
Before God brought His Word to life again among mankind in Jesus Christ, Lucifer had already bound the Original Word to the rigid forms of conceptual thought to such an extent that mankind could no longer recognize the Son of God. They set their empty words bound to forms against the Living Word of the Creator as expressed in its purest form by Jesus Christ. And when they feared for their power they nailed the bearer of the Word to the cross.
Already then the power of Lucifer was this strong.
When we speak of the Word of God we generally mean the Bible as such. The bible as well as what has been transmitted to us in the gospels about the Son of God is only the smallest part of the Original Word of the Creator that swings in Subsequent Creation.
The content of the Bible and the teachings of other religions are the Word of the Creator already bound to a form albeit alive enough to merge into the vibrations of the Original Word. However, even the God-Intended effect of the Word that had become alive in the Son of God, failed to materialize. The process of rigidification, the death of the letter, continued to grow until today when the Original Word in Its life-creating power no longer swings pure, unbound, unbroken in any human being.
Therefore, the Original Word had to be brought to life once again in all its laws of vibration in a human being of Divine origin who, in a human body, bears these laws within.
The Son of Man
The mission of the Son of God was an act of Divine Love. Jesus Christ therefore embodied the Law of Love most strongly and freely confronted the will of humanity as pure Light radiating toward God. The Son of Man, on the other hand, embodies most strongly the Law of the Divine Will in Creation. He thus confronts the will of Lucifer and the part of humanity which still possesses free will.
The outward expression of the Son of Man in the Word was formed into the Grail teaching which is the teaching of the Laws, of how God’s power swings in Creation and in Subsequent Creation. Thus it is the teaching of the Original Word of the Creator which became lost to us and which now, issuing from God, swings again in the Son of Man.
It is, however, only the teaching! The key which , if we make it come to life within us, unlocks door after door to the Original Word until we will be able once more to swing within It according to the Will of God.
The Grail teaching thus becomes the path to the lost Paradise, our spiritual home.
If even at a time when the Word had not yet become so rigid mankind, heedlessly passed by the Son of God, today, except for a small number, it obtusely opposes the teaching of the Son of Man.
The teaching alone could not convert this dull humanity which is why this time the Truth is forced upon them through the Divine Will embodied in the Son of Man.
He stands in Creation like a Column of Light in which all the Laws of the Original Word swing undimmed and unbroken. With his feet on the earth, among us as any other human being, but directly connected with God through the Divine Laws in the Original Word swinging within Him.
In this Light Column His nature originating directly in God ascends through all planes and spheres of existence up into the Divine sphere itself.
Thus, merely through His appearance, He is active on all planes of existence in this Light Column which, swinging downward from above, transects them. All who are still genuinely seeking God swing toward this Light Column. All those in Creation and in Subsequent Creation who want to, and are permitted to, serve God also swing in this Light Column. In accordance with the Law of Attraction of Homogeneous Species these vibrations combine, differently on the different planes of existence, like beams of rays merging into this Light Column thus forming the living Cross of Truth in the purest vibration of the Original Word.
Issuing from the Column the Will of God swings out into the various planes of existence releasing, as in a thunderstorm, the purifying happenings which cause the false currents to destroy themselves.
As in a thunderstorm, the resistance of the counter-will swinging in the darkness and fed by Lucifer produces the bolt of lightning which divides and destroys the darkness in catastrophic events.
The closer the planes of existence are to our earth the less light streams toward the Light Column – the stronger the resistance of the darkness, the slower the effects of the happenings released by the appearance of the Son of Man on the respective plane of existence.
The Son of Man in Whom the Laws of the Original Word swing in purity merely fulfills the laws, He cannot breach them. Thus He can actively intervene in the happening on a plane of existence on which He appears only after the separation of the darkness from the Light has been completed. If God Himself wanted to personally intervene He would not need to embody His Will in a human being. God’s Laws are perfect, intervention would mean to make them imperfect. God does not destroy. The darkness destroys itself. It was only necessary for His Laws to be embodied in a human being, alive and vibrating in purity, at the lowest point of Subsequent Creation.
Thus arose the Light Column upward toward the Height causing all genuine life to ignite and become new while causing all false life to ignite and destroy itself.
To the darkness this Light Column acts as the spark in a powder keg.
.This is the passive activity of the Son of Man. By being connected with God in the vibration laws of the Original Word His activity is Light-releasing on all planes of existence.
Anything that does not vibrate in the Original Word bears no light within. Out of balance, it masses together life which does not find harmonious balance in the Laws thus producing false currents within itself which, similar to an electrical short, erupt now that the pure Light of the Original Word strikes them causing catastrophic events.
Now this earth has become the pool where all false life, all false currents collect.
It serves the darkness whereby it poses the greatest resistance to the Light. But here too, as in the case of electrical power lines, a resistor plugged into a strong current will stop the current only for a short time after which it will blow, burning and destroying its surrounding area.
The activity of the Son of Man already has gone through all planes of existence and is awaiting His releasing effect upon this earth. As yet the resistance of the darkness prevents this from happening..
Standing in the Light the Son of Man can only work from out of the Light. Only when the separation of the darkness from the Light has been fully completed through the enormous events we call World Judgment, when all who have survived and remained true to the Light will turn toward Him, then the time has come for Him to implement the Divine Laws vibrating in Him and thus to initiate the Kingdom of the Millennium. To prepare the soil in which the Original Word acts and swings alive among men.
According to what the numbers in which the Original Word swings in the Revelation of John, tell us and according to what Astrology tells us , the power of the resistance will soon be broken and events will take their God-willed course.
Then, too, the passivity imposed upon the Son of Man here on earth until now in fulfillment of the Laws will transform into the activity that implements God’s Will for the salvation of those who have kept the Original Word alive in themselves.