terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2018

Abdrushin Life X

The Life of Abdrushin

By Randolph Freeman Eales


“Hitler’s testament provides for the building up of the Order, the definite framing of his National Socialist Party Order. It names his successors. He thinks with hatred of Goering – to yeld his place to that man. But there is no way out of it. It will not be for long. Goering will not live long. Hitler’s Testament contains also the plan of the Reich, the structure of the new Creator Reich, its constitution and the new ‘Declaration of Rights’. This Constitution was to be proclaimed with the new perpetual peace, at the end of the war. This Testament contains the internal organization of his Reich, the social stature, and the new economic system, and this Testament contains, last and highest of all, the religious revelation, the first sentences of the new Holy Book which Hitler will confer on the World – if he survives”.
But things will change. There exists, already written, hidden in a secret place which I cannot reveal, the new law for a new humanity, the Law of God. And this will prevail. But, mind you, this Law (I speak from experience) is not the least bit weaker or more indulgent to men than Hitler’s law. On the contrary, it is stronger, as it deprives human beings of their free will. There is one difference, however. It is dictated by Divine Justice. Man who does not submit himself to the highest Justice will not be granted to live longer on earth.
I turn now to Elizabeth, the second daughter of Frau Maria. She married Mr. Herbert Vollmann, a pure and highly evolved human spirit, in September 1935 or 1936. He is Richard Coeur-de-Lion or “The Lion-Heart” in reincarnation, who reigned over England as Richard I in 1157 – 1199, and whose fine bronze equestrian statue by Marochetti stands beside the Houses of Parliament. He undertook the third Crusade in 1189 – 1192, together with Emperor Frederick I, Barbarossa, called “Read Beard”, Auguste, King of France, and Leopold of Austria. Barbarossa, however, was drowned in Asia Minor on his way to join Richard in the Crusade against Saladin, the Sultan of Egypt, in 1900.
Herbert Vollmann, quite conscious in his memory of that event, revealed in a special lecture on the Holy Mountain many features of that time. He was elected the first Apostle of Imanuel in 1936. The twelve Apostles stand on the same level as the twelve Knights of the Grail on earth. There were two, the White and the Green Knights, in the first phase of the Grail on this planet, which was interrupted by Hitler’s interference in March 1938, when the Tyrol was taken over by the Gestapo, and consequently also the Holy Mountain, the Settlement of Abdrushin, which became one of Hitler’s Ordensburgen. In one official Innsbruck newspaper Vomperberg was described and praised as the best of those “Ordensburgen”. The twelve Apostles of the Son of Man carry out a spiritual mission, while the twelve Knights will be worldly dignitaries. They may be compared with the Prime Ministers of the centuries ahead, representing whole races, nations and peoples in the Millenium of the Son of Man. There will be also a Chinese one.
The spiritual mission of Herbert Vollmann, the earth man, who stands nearest in relationship to Imanuel, is to watch carefully and most strictly that the Word of the Truth as revealed in the Message of Abdrushin will not be twisted and mis interpreted as happened with Christ’s words. The precept is and prevails that the Message of the Grail must be read and cannot be preached or interpreted by a man, whoever he is or pretends to be. Herbert Vollmann is the Apostle for the German people and consequently for the German language, which is the language of the Son of Man, prepared for ages through highly evolved beings as were Luther, Goethe and others, to rise to that unique standard which is qualified to reveal the Divine Word. No other language was and is fit for it. Hitherto French was the language of the diplomats, and English the language of the materialistic merchants, but German was always acknowledged by those were free from prejudice as the language of deep thinkers and genuine writers. Christ Jesus spoke in Aramaic; Abdrushin Imanuel speaks in German.
Herbert Vollmann wears the golden cloak with the Cross of the Grail in green. His wife Elisabeth wears the steel-blue cloak trimmed with white swan-feathers along the borders, and with the Golden Cross of the Grail on the left. Her cross is surmounted in the middle by a purple rose, an emblem which signifies that Elisabeth will help her mother, Frau Maria, to heal those who have survived the Judgment. Those found worthy of healing by the Divine healing ray – which is something quite different from what men nowadays call Divine healing – will then recover from their various sufferings to achieve full strongth in the Millenium, but not before. The law of karma prevents the healing of those who are not worthy of being healed at all. The united mission of the couple Herbert and Elisabeth Vollmann is to live up to the highest pattern of wedlock on earth and to become an example to all humanity for real wedlock in the future.

(To be continued)

This text is part of the collection G+: Grail Message