quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2018

The Life of Abdrushin

The Life of Abdrushin

By Randolph Freeman Eales

This is the first account of Abdrushin Earthly life. It contains intimate features, which must be kept strictly confidential.

While Alwin, his brother, went to a university to study the administration of justice, and later became a distinguished “Amtgerichtsrat” in Doebeln, Oskar Ernst left Germany and travelled to the East.

In 1914, the Mayor of New York, a friend of Abdrushin, advised him to leave the United States owing to the danger of war. He reached English soil, but never got to Germany.

The amazing feature, however, succeeded the address. Abdrushin felt as if he were uplifted. His inner kernel dwelt in the Grail. Yet he was able to hear with his physical ears.

He bought it from a rich land-owner of the name of Schaar, who owned a big estate also in Necklenburg. It was in that Gralshaus that he began the first writing of the “Grail Lectures”. It was in 1921, when Hitler started the propagation of his cause under the title of “N.S.D.A.P.” (National Socialostische Deustche Arbeiter Partri)

When Abdrushin has fulfilled His earthly mission, mankind will have acknowledged His Message from the Holy Grail, the new Bible for the generations to come. 

He is a type of real manhood, assembling round him according to the law of attraction of homogeneous species the warriors and heroes off all ages. It sounds like a miracle or fairy tale, yet the happening took place within the limits os cosmic law, as to how The Lion, the Primordial mighty entity of sublime radiation, entered into the physical vessel of young Alexander, then a youth of about twenty years. I well remember perceiving him for the first time in 1930.

Her mission is to lead womanhood back to its rightful place, a task granted to her by the Creator from the very beginning. Irmingard is now ending her third decade, and has already lived once in Egypt under the name of “Nahome”, a princess captured by the evil horde of the Egyptians and saved by Abdrushin, the Prince of Light.

Those who have read carefully Hermann Rauschning’s book “Hitler Speaks” will remember him outlining Hitler’s plan, which is a plan of three times seven years – the first seven embracing world revolution, the second seven to create world war and the last seven years to devote himself to the greatest task, prophecy, the proclamation of the new faith, based on the revolutionary doctrine of civilisation. “Richard Wagner revealed it”, Hitler said.

I turn now to Elizabeth, the second daughter of Frau Maria. She married Mr. Herbert Vollmann, a pure and highly evolved human spirit, in September 1935 or 1936. 

At first this may seem hard and stern to you. But just herein lies the greatest help the human spirit can get, because it compels him to that activity which is the condition of every healthy creature in Creation. 

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