quinta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2018

África XXIV

Nas Florestas da África

Episódio XXIV

Uma Mudança Forçada

por Charlotte von Troeltsch

Sinopse de Fatos Transcorridos: Bu-anan, também chamada de “mãe branca”, sob a situação da tribo rendida por invasores, para os quais decidiu entregar todas as preciosidades de seu povo; além disso, devido a um incêndio devastador, tiveram que abandonar o local e partir até outro lugar junto ao bando...


Ele foi com ela e Ur-an até as forjarias subterrâneas. Ali encontrou tudo tão bem organizado que lhe deu dó, de levar os homens embora. A maneira que era levado ar para o fogo da forja era perfeita. Será que poderiam organizar tudo novamente e da mesma maneira em um outro lugar?
Ele perguntou aos negros, que encararam-no admirados, se seriam capazes de desmanchar as forjas aqui e reconstruí-las novamente em outro lugar. Contudo, não recebeu nenhuma resposta.
Bu-anan e Ur-an, que nesse meio tempo haviam ido até as passagens mais profundas, para se convencerem que mais nenhuma peça acabada ficasse por aí, retornavam nesse momento para junto do estranho.
Impetuosamente este perguntou, se os negros sempre eram assim obstinados. Buanan encarou-o admirada:
“Por que estás tão impetuoso, luminoso? Isso não te convém! Esses negros são pobres criaturas. Só conseguem forjar, fora isso não compreendem nada mais. Além disso, não podem falar. Suas línguas parecem ter um defeito.

Estamos acostumados a isso. Ur-an e eu e mais alguns podemos nos entender com eles. Eles não precisam desmanchar suas forjas, pois certamente em vossa pátria deve haver uma montanha com pedras, da qual podem ser feitas novas forjas.”
Esta última frase fora feita de forma meio interrogativa. O chefe concordou.
“Então não há dúvida que poderão trabalhar igualmente junto a vós, como aqui, pois seus mestres nos acompanharão, eles me disseram.”
O estranho não pressentia quem poderiam ser os mestres, mas também não quebrou a cabeça com isso, e sim se alegrava, que tudo seguia aqui conforme seu desejo.
“Eles também quererão trabalhar para mim?” Queria ele ainda se assegurar.
Bu-anan acalmou-o.
“Eles não sabem absolutamente para quem trabalham. Só cumprem as ordens de seus mestres. Estes, porém, deixarão que trabalhem para ti, enquanto não fizerdes nenhum mal aos negros. Como Anu nos enviou para ti, Ele também zelará por nós.”
Essa conversa fora totalmente incompreensível ao chefe, mas ouviu daí, que eles seriam de boa vontade, e isso bastava-lhe de momento.
Com uma palavra de Bu-anan os negros pegaram suas ferramentas, os metais e as pedras preciosas e abandonaram os corredores subterrâneos. Nenhum olhar fora lançado lamentadoramente para trás, para o lugar de sua atividade. Eles haviam compreendido que se faziam necessários em um outro lugar, consequentemente iam para outro lugar.

Agora a comitiva estava pronta. Os homens que cuidavam dos U-aus haviam confeccionado laços a partir de cintos e de cordas de fibras rapidamente trançadas, os quais lançaram sobre os animais para guiá-los.
Bu-anan verificou todos esses laços, para ver se não estavam muito apertados. E ao verificar falava a cada animal.
“Atenção, U-au! Nós precisamos ir com essas pessoas, pois Anu ordenou. Acostumai-vos a eles. Quanto mais rápido o fizerdes, tanto mais cedo poderemos soltar os laços.”
E os animais levantavam o olhar para Bu-anan, como se entendessem as palavras. Novamente se admiraram os estranhos.
O povo Tuimah fora posto no meio. À frente e atrás deles caminhavam os guerreiros, e na ponta o chefe estranho, que chamavam de Eb-ra-nit. Os homens Tuimahs haviam igualmente se dividido e as mulheres postas no meio. Apenas então é que vinham os pretos.
A caminhada através da floresta demorou o dia inteiro. A isto os Tuimahs, principalmente as mulheres e as moças, não estavam acostumadas. Mas não deixavam notar nada, pois Bu-anan falara, que apenas àqueles, que fossem de boa vontade e conseguissem obedecer, valeria a promessa de poder ver o sagrado Filho de Anu.
Tarde da noite chegaram a um local aberto, onde os guerreiros armaram tendas
Uma tenda grande e bem colorida fora armada para Eb-ra-nit Apesar de todo o cansaço os homens Tuimahs se comprimiam até lá para admirar e se encantar. As mulheres também gostariam de ter visto mais de perto, mas um chamado de Bu-anan as reteve.

O chefe, porém, foi até a Mãe Branca:

“Assim como eu sou o soberano de meu povo, tu és a soberana desta tribo. Queres me dar a honra de dividir a minha cabana comigo?”
Grandes e admirados olhos miravam os seus. Bu-anan balançou a cabeça.
“Eu te agradeço, Eb-ra-nit”, disse ela determinada. “Eu não durmo na cabana de um homem. Além disso, nosso dirigente é Ur-an, ele é quem deves convidar.”
“Eu não veria em ti a mulher, Bu-anan!” respondeu Eb-ra-nit aborrecido com a recusa.
“Tu deves, porém, vê-la”, respondeu a mulher com dignidade. “Nós somos de outra espécie, do que os homens. Tu, como luminoso, deverias saber isso!”
Agora ela havia utilizado pela segunda vez esta palavra, que o estremecia. Ele precisaria interrogá-la uma hora, para saber o que ela intencionava com isso. Agora ele tinha que fazer outra coisa.
Ele ordenara, que a maior e mais ventilada cabana fosse erguida para as mulheres. O povo Tuimah, os pretos e uma parte dos guerreiros deveriam dormir sobre o solo gramado ao ar livre.
“Precisamos ainda tomar providências, para que nenhum animal selvagem nos ataque durante o sono”, disse Eb-ra-nit um pouco preocupado em vista do grande grupo que tinha que cuidar.
Mas Ur-an lhe assegurou que os U-aus não deixariam ninguém se aproximar, quer seja homem ou animal.
“Lembra-te, como eles uivavam, quando vós viestes. Se não estivessem presos, teriam vos despedaçado.”


Uma obra traduzida diretamente do texto original alemão de 1937, o qual foi publicado nos cadernos 6 a 12 da revista Die Stimme (A Voz). 
A história está sendo publicada em episódios da coleção do G +: 

África. (Nas Florestas da África)

Por esse mesmo esquema já foram publicadas as obras como coleções do G +:    

quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2018

Lembrança do Lago Garda

Lembrança do Lago Garda

por Otto Ernst Fritsch

Descrevo aqui as Palavras do Senhor, infelizmente apenas de lembrança e por isso somente de acordo com o sentido, mas, segundo minha convicção, reproduzidas com grande fidelidade:


    ⑨ O Trígono foi várias vezes, ao longo dos anos, de carro até o lago de Garda. Cada vez ia junto uma comitiva de apóstolos e discípulos, naturalmente também o Cavaleiro Branco e o porta-bandeira do Senhor. Meus pais, ambos portadores da Cruz de ouro, também puderam estar junto algumas vezes nestas viagens. Para poder compreender que para meus pais isso era uma graça muito especial, que como únicos portadores da Cruz de ouro podiam estar junto com estes altos convocados, deve-se procurar compreender o seguinte: “Cada serviço para o Santo Graal é grande e em seu valor vai muito além da compreensão humana”.
Tudo o que o Senhor disse ou fez, foi cumprimento. Suas palavras e Sua maneira de agir nunca poderão ser comparadas com palavras ou maneiras de agir humanas. Ele atuava na vontade de Seu Pai. Nós, seres humanos, agimos somente de acordo com nossos sentimentos, intuições, paixões e de acordo com nosso pensar errado e, por isso, nunca podemos penetrar na linha de pensamento do Senhor.
Desta forma, essas viagens também não foram viagens de restabelecimento ou de entretenimento, nem aconteceram para fazer algo diferente, mas cada uma dessas viagens ao lago de Garda foi um grande cumprimento. Porque justamente o lago de Garda fora escolhido para isso, é-me desconhecido.
Cada vez que o Senhor parava em algum lugar, naturalmente todos os demais carros também paravam, todos desciam e reuniam-se a uma respeitosa distância Dele. De acordo com o que acontecia nestes grandes cumprimentos, o Senhor falava palavras especiais para este ou aquele. Pois esses altos convocados foram escolhidos para formar o Novo Reino. Com e através de sua fidelidade, com e através de seu amor. Se tivessem sido recipientes puros, se a força da Luz tivesse podido fluir através deles sobre o povo alemão e, se naquela época o povo alemão já não estivesse estado afastado da Luz, então essas irradiações teriam sido suficientes para purificá-lo. Numa dessas viagens, o Senhor chegou para minha mãe e disse amigavelmente com aquela bondade tão própria Dele: “Sim, Frau Fritsch, essas viagens não são viagens de lazer ou de restabelecimento. Cada vez acontece aí um grande cumprimento, um grande acontecimento cósmico, sobre o que não posso falar aos seres humanos, pois não o compreenderiam. Numa destas viagens também aconteceu a luta entre Mim e Lúcifer”[1].
Sorrindo bondosamente, o Senhor disse para minha mãe:
“A senhora não deve imaginar isso de forma terrenalmente visível. Quando esses acontecimentos se processavam, eu me separava dos seres humanos aqui (nota do autor: dos altos convocados) e, à parte, em pleno silêncio, sem ser visível a qualquer ser humano terreno, processavam-se grandes acontecimentos só conhecidos por Deus, Meu Pai. As gerações futuras, desde que a Terra continue existindo, não irão compreender o fato de que os seres humanos não conseguiam reconhecer-me”.
Na mesma viagem, num outro local e em outro dia (essas viagens duravam normalmente de 3 a 5 dias, as vezes também 1 semana), o Senhor novamente se dirigiu à minha mãe e apontou para uma casa de campo muito bonita (minha mãe disse-me depois que algo tão lindo ela nunca havia visto):
“Olhe, Sra. Fritsch, isso também NOS agradaria”. É claro e lógico que uma pessoa com grande senso de beleza também fica tomada da beleza terrena, mesmo que se trate apenas de uma casa de campo. Mas, o Senhor, que é a perfeição e veio da perfeição, sofria muitas vezes sob dores físicas devido à desarmonia e feiura que reinam aqui na Terra. Tudo o que Ele dizia ou fazia irradiava beleza e harmonia. Ele nunca conseguia compreender como podem existir pessoas que não têm anseio pela beleza. Também não sei mais hoje em qual ocasião isso aconteceu. Minha mãe tinha um grande anseio pela beleza e por isso também tinha uma forte ligação com o Senhor!
(Anseio pela beleza, anseio pela Luz e anseio por reconhecimento não se deixam separar. Pessoas como minha mãe, que possuem um senso de beleza especialmente grande, eram atraídas pelo Senhor de forma natural). O Senhor disse-me o seguinte:
“No Reino de Mil Anos também haverá luxo, porém, luxo e pompa nada têm a ver com o que as pessoas entendem por isso hoje. Luxo, no Reino de Mil Anos, não tem nada a ver com desperdício absurdo, nem com o acúmulo de riqueza e bens de valor, mas é a expressão de um elevado e refinado senso de beleza. E pompa será um reflexo fraco da beleza e da pompa extraterrena, que reinam nas alturas. Se as pessoas tivessem mais anseio pela beleza, unicamente já através disso poderiam encontrar o caminho para cima”.

[1] Luta espiritual com Lúcifer. 1929 – Gardasee.


terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2018

Lembranças do Graal V

Lembranças das minhas vivências do Graal

por Elisabeth Gecks


Ah, como se eu tivesse reconhecido agora que Jesus e o prometido Filho do Homem não eram a mesma pessoa, mas aquele, que ele nos prometera como o Espírito da Verdade e eu intuía que nós podíamos reconhecer nele agora o Filho do Homem que atuaria na época do Juízo sobre a Terra e também traria o auxílio, conduzindo-nos em toda a Verdade, como Jesus havia dito. Eu já soubera disso quando criança e havia aguardado por isso!

“Sim, a senhora já trouxe tudo dentro de si, eu só precisei ainda retirar o véu. Mas não pense a senhora que isso se dá assim com todos os seres humanos. A maioria das pessoas terá de lutar duro pelo reconhecimento. Pense sempre nisso e não espere dos outros que seja assim, como se deu com a senhora. Eu pedi ao Pai para trazer ainda antes do Juízo a Mensagem oriunda do Graal aos seres humanos, para lhes dizer e esclarecer aquilo que eles agora devem saber a fim de poder ascender conscientemente, a fim de sair de sua confusão. Se os seres humanos a aceitarem e viverem de acordo, então muita coisa lhes poderá ser poupada no Juízo, pois eles modificar-se-ão. Não haverá então mais caminhos errôneos, nenhuma vontade de ódio e de aniquilação, nenhuma inveja e nenhum pensamento errôneo de poder. As criaturas humanas ficarão satisfeitas, pois cada uma sabe que assim como lhe acontece, ela própria criou para si por meio de desejos e ações, também em sua vida anterior. Elas serão agradecidas e felizes, pois sabem que cada um também recebe de presente na vida a possibilidade de resgatar e de se purificar na modificação para o que é bom e puro e, dessa forma, a possibilidade... *(N.T. No manuscrito uma ou duas linhas estão ilegíveis no final da página.). Se as criaturas humanas tivessem reconhecido corretamente a existência terrena de Jesus e sua Palavra, e vivido de acordo com ela, esta poderia ter-lhes trazido a salvação. Contudo, assim elas apenas afundaram ainda mais profundamente e necessitam agora mais uma vez da ‘Palavra da Verdade’, para que as retire e conduza para fora do pântano e dos erros.”

Eu acolhia suas palavras em mim, envolta por raios de Luz e uma paz maravilhosa. Assim devia ter sido com Jesus, pensei uma vez. Antes de Abdrushin me deixar novamente, ele ainda disse: “A senhora me reconheceu, mas não fale com ninguém a respeito disso, do Filho do Homem. Meu tempo ainda não chegou e os seres humanos ainda não podem compreender isso. Se a senhora for perguntada, então diga que eu sou o preparador do caminho. Por fim, eu também sou meu preparador do caminho”, disse ele sorrindo.

Como ele partiu, se ele me deu a mão, como eu me comportei, eu não sei mais. Eu me encontrava então sozinha sobre o banco, atordoada de felicidade e gratidão e com uma tão forte comoção. Eu entrei então fundo na floresta até uma clareira, longe do caminho, onde me sentei à sua beirada sobre um tronco de árvore. O que vivenciei aí, não sei descrever. O que eu vi?Primeiramente encontrava-se de novo em mim apenas meio consciente a campina luminosa, que deveria levar a um Templo, que me havia transmitido quando criança o nome “Graal” e o pressentimento a respeito do Juízo vindouro e nisso o saber sobre uma missão, que gravara em mim um anseio inapagável para procurar por esta. Talvez fora essa planície, onde, após a morte terrena de Jesus, durante a grande tristeza em todas as esferas, eu pude pedir outrora que me fosse permitido servir ao Filho do Homem, quando tivesse chegado o seu tempo. (E para poder desfazer em mim o fato de eu ter reconhecido Jesus apenas em seu trespasse. Isso, porém, não me estaria totalmente claro outrora.)

Então eu não tinha mais consciência do que um pairar em paz e felicidade. Depois de horas eu voltei a mim. Era tarde quando eu me reencontrei de modo consciente sobre o tronco de árvore. Minha alma, meu espírito, havia podido deixar seu corpo terreno, para poder receber a confirmação e o chamado em possível outro e mais elevado plano.

 Há alguns anos, nas horas entre a vida e a morte, eu pude pós vivenciar abalada, numa visão retrospectiva de meu espírito, o caminho do juramento após a morte de Jesus e também esse momento. (Com todo o anseio e toda a graça, que, depois de certos fracassos no anseio veemente, deixaram-me, porém, encontrar o país, em cujas estradas luminosas e ensolaradas, com minhas três chaves douradas – justiça, amor e pureza, as chaves do Trígono divino – e com meu livro, o qual eu devia anunciar, firmemente pressionado contra o peito, eu devia e pude ir ao encontro do cumprimento).

Logo eu pude ir então à residência do Senhor, agora eu não tinha mais receio de não poder aguentar; Abdrushin continha sua irradiação luminosa de forma correspondente. Então eu contei ao Senhor sobre minha maravilhosa vivência espiritual. Ele disse de forma bem bondosa, mas séria: “Foi apenas dessa vez que podia e devia ser-lhe concedido se elevar tão alto para visualizar e vivenciar, de modo que só pode permanecer consciente ao seu espírito. Contudo, isso não pode mais se repetir, do contrário a senhora iria embora e, contudo, ainda tem de permanecer aqui na Terra. – Guarde essa elevada graça vivencial de seu espírito como uma dádiva especial e fortalecedora para a senhora.” —

Quando eu pude novamente retornar, aflorou-me a pergunta suplicante, se agora eu também seria chamada para servi-lo, pois eu sabia que eu era “convocada” para servir a ele e a sua obra, pois já como criança existia em mim esse pressentimento ansioso. Então ele me olhou bondoso, mas ao mesmo tempo bem seriamente e disse exortando: “De fato, a senhora pertence aos convocados pela Luz, mas o chamado não pode realizar-se imediatamente, pela senhora ter agora me encontrado! A senhora precisa primeiro preparar-se e também resgatar antes certas coisas!” Oh, como me veio aí à consciência, o que na verdade significava ser “convocado” e que apenas com o reconhecimento isso não estava realizado. E eu me envergonhei muito pelo meu atrevimento. Apesar disso, alguns dias mais tarde, eu perguntei novamente, – incompreensível essa ousadia e imaturidade – quanto tempo eu ainda teria de esperar, até que eu pudesse ser convocada. Mas o Senhor intuiu o grande anseio e não se zangou por isso. Sério, mas com a resplandecente bondade, que sempre irradiava dele, ele disse que isso dependeria de mim, mas que antes de dois anos não aconteceria. “Mas”, disse ele bem sério, exortando, “a senhora deve, nesse tempo do preparo, sempre ansiar, contudo, jamais se tornar impaciente. Lembre-se sempre disso!”

Foi como se essas palavras tivessem penetrado de forma ardente em meu coração. Foi no jardim diante da casa e o sol brilhava, os rochedos das montanhas Karwendel sobre o vale do rio Inn erguiam-se de forma palpável do profundo céu azul. Parece-me como se isso tivesse acontecido ontem, tão atemporal é a vivência interior.
Eu podia agora ir com mais frequência até ele e ele falou comigo sobre o dia da Pomba Sagrada, da renovação de força no dia 30 de maio e sobre a Solenidade, que ele também celebrava aqui na Terra. Devido ao meu grande anseio, ele me consolou, dizendo que agora ainda não seria possível que eu pudesse participar dela, pois só fazia oito dias que eu havia encontrado o caminho e eu teria, primeiro, que me preparar conscientemente para tanto, para poder receber o batismo do Graal (Selamento) e a Ceia do Graal na Solenidade. Mas na próxima Solenidade isso já seria de fato possível.


segunda-feira, 24 de setembro de 2018

The Great Battle

The Great Battle against Lucifer

See also the theme video

And the time came to pass that the Son of Man was to strike the mighty blow against Lucifer. Quietly and secluded He lived with Maria and a select few whom He trusted fully. A tremendous combat was afoot, the great battle against Lucifer! 

The substantiate beings trembled, Nature lay as if rigidified and silently awaited the hour at which evil was to be fettered in one fell swoop. A tenseness spread across the Earth as it did at the time when men murdered the Son of God. An oppressive silence reigned. 

The substantiate guardians in Valhalla called to arms. They set out as if to embark on a hunt. In roaring storms they swept across the Earth, chasing dark spirits across the swamps and the bogs, forcing downward all that was murky, mad and impure. 

Coming in like a whirlwind, steeds with valiant horsemen sped through the clouds. Dogs barked, and like storms, unending multitudes chased after witches and goblins which holed up fearfully. They appeared as dark, black, ragged spectres that had risen to a place where they did not belong. 

Thus a swept, purified and light path spread out before the Son of Man which was lined by green, fresh meadows. It led Him and Maria downward into a wide, silent and peculiarly bleak and desolate remoteness. It was not dark but nor was it light, and it seemed as if everything around was asleep. The grassy valley narrowed, not one flower bloomed and no bird sang; subtly, almost imperceptibly, the increasingly narrow path led downwards. 

Rugged mountains overgrown with dark grass towered in the distance like a cauldron, and above them extended a lead-coloured sky resembling a tough, lifeless cloth. All this pressed down heavily. It became gloomier, and shadows, which solidified imperceptibly, crept out of the depth. A transition from grey to black took place. 

And the valley became evermore narrow, the shadows evermore dark, the mountains evermore drear. Mists arose from a well that seeped up blackly, gurglingly forming large bubbles. Out of it a toad-like monstrosity looked on and attempted to grab Maria’s light garment across the edge of the slough with frog-like paws. In so doing it appeared as if out of this creature, too, shadows were rising. Here and there other black wells opened up and converged, seeping, gurgling and forming a stream that flowed along the edge of the trail.

However, when the Son of Man approached the well and looked down at the animal, it opened its formidable jaws and screamed. Then it collapsed in on itself and perished. Like crinkled, black tissue paper it stuck to the surface of the puddle, its well then dried up. 

The Son of Man with Maria by His side pressed on further into the narrow, dark valley, and He heard the groaning of the wells adjoining the path which all ran dry as soon as He passed. 

The ground droned from the trot of a large herd. Many ugly, large and bristled hogs ran about gruntingly. They intended to dare an attack, but when they neared the Light Which walked toward them they had to fade. It was as if they dissolved, as if they scattered and dissipated. 

Thus the Light stood in the deep valley, enveloped by a cloak that had been handed down by light hands. The rocks began to tower; they took on moist darkness, eerily growing to amazing heights. Steep, flat cliffs, which provided no hold whatsoever for any foot aiming to find support, stared down like slabs of slate. 

No vegetation, not a blade of grass grew on them, instead newts and amphibians with ugly flies stuck to them. The animals attached themselves with jellyfish-like paws to the flat, even rock, only to again slide down slowly into the depth. Many started to climb up again, others dropped from above, smashing to pieces on the dark plates. Steaming blood splattered about out of which new animals immediately formed.  

The light Couple passed through this narrow gulf, too, leaving behind the hideous beings which fell feebly as if decayed or decomposed. With deadly terror in their eyes they clung to the rocks, shrivelling and shrinking in place. Their skin dried out, forming gaping crevices, the flesh dropped off and others devoured it, the bones crumbled and bit by bit fragments plunged into the depth. Woeful groans crept through the chasms like the wind

A vertiginous and narrow trail led along a steep descent. A handrail was present; however, the slightest touch caused it to collapse and become as chaff. Next to it the yawning abyss opened up in all its dreadfulness out of which vapours rose that took on form - gestalts; gestalts of a completely different and ghastly kind.

They had prong-like ridges as dragons do and huge jaws like wolves and claws like tigers. Their bearing betrayed a cat-like, humped posture, full of limberness, with tails like crocodiles. Maliciously they stuck out their long tongues. Each tongue had an arrow that sprayed poison; some tongues were forked, shooting off ever new arrows.  

The Lord continued on His way through the gorge of slander. Evil cowered and hid itself away. It was as dangerous as it was cowardly, as untrue as it was ugly, as contemptible as it was loathsome.  

And so the Lord swung His sword over the gulf of evil. Fumes rose as if monsters were being burned alive. Instead, however, evil birds descended from above that covered the entire chasm with the width of their wings. Their whirring was like the bluster of a hurricane. 

They held their beaks open like wide maws and curved like Turkish sabres. The eyes glowed large and round akin to golden coals and the feathers appeared as if metallic. They meant to attack. Gigantic, sharp claws were brought to bear against the Light. With tremendous clutches they intended to grab, but the claws were consumed by fire. 

With a wild screech the birds scattered as one claw plunged into the depths having been severed by the sword. Red, hot, thick blood gushed forth from the wound. The beasts flew into a rage. With loud flaps of their wings and much shrieking they filled the gorge that led into the never-ending depth.

It became ever darker; the gorges became ever taller, the path became ever tighter, ever narrower, and ever deeper could the stream be heard that rushed from below. Screeching loudly the animals plunged into the abyss. From above a radiantly light countenance looked down to the Son of Man.  

It seemed as if calm had now come over the ugly world. The darkness and the denseness remained, but nothing could be heard other than the quiet procession of the light Couple across the stone slab path of the gorge. 

Suddenly it widened, stairs led downward to a spot that was in deeper darkness still. Momentarily unable to move Her foot, Maria recoiled. It was as if She had to wrestle with a terrible decision. Then, however, She, too, placed Her foot onto the first step. 

Quickly the Pair descended, deeper and ever deeper, but the further They progressed the more the stairs widened. Dread rose from below. There was bellowing from side corridors like from cages of wild apes. This was now the region that possessed enough tenacity to prevail. Bourns gushed from above. It was suffocatingly hot. White-grey spectres clung to the cliffs and the chasms.

An island with tall trees came into view in the middle of the widening river. From each dangled souls that had been hung. Akin to shredded veils they flapped in the balmy wind. A stench of terrible decomposition permeated the air. As the Lord passed they dropped from the trees and plunged into the river. But immediately others hung from the trees, they literally clustered around, desperate not to miss the opportunity to kill themselves.  

In a nearby ravine shots rang out. Red fire flared up, it smelled of gunpowder. Murderous facial features spied through the vapours and then quickly concealed themselves. It was as if all of them were in the grip of utter terror. 

At the same time it became even hotter. Vapours flowed down the walls. The smell of gunpowder and blood merged into rank intolerableness. 

Hideous naked arms stretched out from rock crevices, trying to get near Maria. Beastly faces came very close and then melted away; they became increasingly humanlike and with this ever uglier, malicious and evil. A particular trait predominated which betrayed the nature of Darkness and its vices. Horridly it raged within the individual beings. They were in the throes of disgust at themselves; all the worse was the bottomless hatred when they sensed the approaching Light. 

An armed band rose from the depths of a bog; menacingly they stood on the far side of a dark lake embattled like an army. Arrows swarmed across but they bounced off as if repelled by invisible shields. Screaming, the Darkness swallowed Lucifer’s armies and they were seen no longer. 

Silently and steadily the light Pair continued under the heavy, protective cover. It appeared as if a lamp moved through the black endlessness. Boundless, everlasting, bleak. 

And the Darkness was so menacing, so foreboding and attracted evermore homogeneity. It marched against the Light. It threatened with all its horrors. Dreadful, tremendous, formidable was the sense of forlornness, depth, terror and sin.  

Menacingly it howled underground. A rocky cauldron opened up. A red blaze crept up the walls; a slimy, mucoid, miry brood. With long tentacles it grabbed for Maria who had fallen behind slightly. The Son of Man was striking a blow at a monstrosity when a fearful scream rang out: Maria’s cloak had opened and the light illuminated faces distorted with rage; a large beast clawed at her. Swiftly the Son of Man came to Her aid, but from above a light appeared. Wide as a white cloak a light-cloud spread itself. Out of it white, radiating countenances looked on.  

Maria felt as if something drew Her aloft. With great speed She ascended into high, light and free realms. 

A Holy Voice spoke from above “It is enough!” - Well-protected She lay on a soft, green lawn abundant with flowers. Then Maria ceased knowing ...

The Son of Man, however, continued the lonely journey into the depths. Seething, evermore Darkness rose from below. The space in which the Son of Man roamed widened into an expansive, black slab of rock that shone like ore. It was smooth and plain, slippery from the blood and slime of monsters, behemoths and hideous creatures which in sheer desperation shattered their heads ever again on the rocks in an effort to escape the torment that ever anew awaited them in the deepest regions

Chasms opened up which the Son of Man’s Will crossed. With the blistering, fiery tip of His sword He blazed the trail through a brood of the most wicked entities that continuously and unceasingly rose from below. Not one form ever repeated itself, ever again it was a new spawn of hell that grinned brazenly, maliciously, villainously, yet also full of cowardly fear.  

But they were unable to come near the Light-Manifestation Which was surrounded by luminous rings and shone increasingly brightly. Evermore powerfully the intensity and force of the radiation thrust out of the Son of Man the sooner the final battle was to commence.

He paid no mind to the awful happenings occurring in the rock vaults and grottos. With His sword raised He stormed ahead evermore swiftly, past the cesspools, the black lakes and the dreadful dens of oblivion. The horrific screams that rang out echoed through His Spirit; shudderingly cry after cry resonated through the vaults and from the pillars of the lowest halls. 

Fiery flames flared up red-hot. Savage and ferocious beasts with ogreish claws and fangs and horns guarded the entrances to formidable dominions of malice, of sin. But wherever the Envoy from God set foot silence fell. Rigidity akin to petrification seized the vast advancing armies which surged upwards in myriads from the depths like vermin.

Reverberations of working, hammering, whistling and howling whooshed through the air. Light-circles whirled around the Envoy of God at fantastic speeds. A bright, blinding luminescence appeared above Him and the city of Darkness roared shrilly like a furious, injured bull. The Darkness retreated ever deeper, ever further, and evermore vehement the Son of Light pursued it. 

Then, rising from below menacingly, surrounded by an incandescent glow, Lucifer’s face suddenly appeared; infuriated, enraged, encircled by darting flashes, swathed in whirring, hissing red spray and foam, enveloped in vapours and poison. His breath sprayed fire and fumes. 

The dichotomy brought about a harrowing, terrifying tension. In deepest darkness, the Son of Man faced the most abominable and dreadful moment. Lucifer laughed shrilly, retreated to even greater depths, and his hordes rose, spreading terror in even greater numbers.  

Suddenly, a whistling whirring through the air! All cowered. Formidably erect stood Lucifer. He had hurled the spear at the Light! 

But the Light had caught it with Its mighty hand. The draping cloak had come undone, fell back, and in Its blinding Purity the Cross stood radiating amidst the Darkness. The searing rays struck evil like arrows! 

Crying out with utter terror Lucifer’s minions ducked. Lucifer himself furiously howled and lunged at the Son of Man to fight Him. It was a brief  battle, the sword struck Lucifer’s head! He collapsed and seething with rage his ice-cold eyes gazed up at the Victor.

The Son of Man placed His foot on Lucifer’s neck, with His Will He bound him to the depths of the Darkness, and a tremendous storm whooshed and howled. Rumbling thunder boomed, rocks plunged roaringly. But Lucifer no longer stirred. He lay shackled on the ground. His grim and dark-minded underlings, too, his loyal helpers, fell as if turned to stone and lay fettered.

The Son of Man, however, ascended. Light, freed from the burdening cloak that had enveloped Him in the darkness and luminous as if transfigured. After a long, earnest time, in which the battle with Lucifer had taken place, the Son of Man awoke again to earthly being. On His side Maria. 

Jubilant bells tolled, light was the world, substantiate beings adorned Nature for their Lord. Peace spread across the Earth; for the Darkness had been bound.

Only rigidified mankind was unable to notice any of this. Humanity did not know of the great and momentous Event that had already been fulfilled and which was of inconceivable decisiveness for the Cosmos. 

Indeed all outgrowths of the Darkness were still able to remain active on Earth, but the Lord had set a goal to Lucifer’s volition. Now, all that was left was for all Darkness on Earth and among men to be destroyed.

The Eternal Ones were filled with joy. Light streamed from the heavens in wide and mighty pencils; it invigorated, and the Lord’s Will called for His servants in the World of Matter. -  

By inspiration of a Summoned Member of the Grail

A translation of the original in German

Zeugen des Lichtgeschehens

Verwehte Zeit erwacht - Band 1 - 1935

quinta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2018

Cosmic Turning Point

The Cosmic Turning Point, 20/21. July 1929.

By Irene Manz

Ismaniela was drawn to the splendor of nature which revealed itself here more and more. Voices became clearer and more distinct.
They flowed to her on light, pure waves from the mountain and the forests. They were filled with joy and happiness in the recognition that God had sent them the helper who would free the world from the oppression of inherited sin.
Animistic beings sent by the Light approached to make preparations for the high fulfilment. Ismaniela’s husband received instructions too and, following the guidance of one such spirit, several of the disciples set out after getting the Lord’s permission.
And, lo, the spirit guided them! They took frequent rests, not knowing what the spirit had planned. Sometimes a luminous figure appeared, sometimes a bright light, not far from their group and waved them to follow. Beneath their feet the earth began to come alive, to gleam softly ; they felt it clearly. Above their heads a ray stretched upward and connected them to their guidance.
They walked along a beautiful path in the forest which widened and led along a mountainside.
Ahead of them walked the luminous guide always keeping the same distance. Leaning on a staff he turned around every so often, when they seemed to linger and pointed to the path onward. He did not speak, yet they felt as if he was talking with them. The power of his nature and his volition formed a definite clear idea.
They had come to a creek which the guide crossed , then suddenly disappeared where the path made a turn. They stood and looked at each other, puzzled. They saw nothing but heard the mysterious whisper of the forest.
Ismaniela and her husband began to write (medially). Again whispering voices guided drawings and words. They read out and sought out. And they found all the signs given by the animistic beings , built up in the course of time, clearly recognizable. How their awareness of nature was sharpened , every rock, every tree, every twig was filled with the language of life. How their eyes were opened to the subtle language of Nature which they had never heard, but had only vaguely sensed as a distant fairy tale. Soon they came to a rock covered with moss, crowned with a small pinetree, which stood between three tall trees. Above the rock shone brightly, in shimmering spiritual light, the Cross of Truth surrounded by a blazing-gold, firmly closed ring of light.
For merely a few moments it hovered above the rock as a luminous spiritual sign , then disappeared.
“A holy fulfillment is to happen here!”
Of this much they were certain. But they did not know the nature of this fulfillment. They were meant to perfect themselves, step by step, piece by piece, in the recognition of the spiritual Will.
Ismaniela‘s spiritual eye saw a luminous ring adorned with precious gems glow brightly from the depth of the earth. Once before she had been allowed to see it, in the hands of the Primordial Queen, and she told it to the others.
They were to claim the luminous reward from the heavy, dense matter, they were to gain it in faithful service in the light of the Cross. They were not conscious of the greatness of the spiritual fulfillment, had no sense of it, and therefore they strove only to accomplish the earthly goal to which the Spirit had directed them.
They workeed busily to unearth the stone that the Spirit had shown them.
While the men took turns doing the heavy work the women helped only with lighter tasks. Again and again there were encouraging, warning and helpful directions given by the spiritual helpers supporting their work. The stone seemed to loosen, but a powerful root held fast and impeded progress for days.
The heat grew more intense, insects tortured the workers, but they kept up their joyful work.
The hole they dug became larger, the work became harder, when an unexpected sign came from above. The stone was removed, a deep hole was dug, a small channel led sideways , deeper into the mountain. There, secure in the light of the Spirit, there was the point that closed the luminous ring of a significant fulfillment.
“Go back to the place of work only in the evening of the full moon. The LORD will go with you” said the spirit guide.
Those who were chosen for this work assembled in the early evening hours. The air on the mountain was oppressive, in the distance heavy thunderstorms were brewing.
It was then that Ismaniela fell into a deep sleep. Green and violet rays of indescribably power came from above almost tearing the room apart. They all felt the powerful tension of circular swinging above and within them.
And the LORD spoke “I am ready!”
Mighty angels appeared with the sounds of thunder making the house seem to shake in the storm. The elemental beings approached the LORD, they appproached MARIA and IRMINGARD, lit blazing flames on the heads of the called ones and prepared them for the evening hour appointed by the Spirit.
And the Lord spoke to the chosen ones:
“Now let us walk toward the fulfillment, come follow me!”
.As they walked through the dusky tall forest, wordless and in holy devotion, the radiant Cross of Truth went before them on the path and light flames followed it.
The men went down into the deep hole and one after the other lifted up several shovelsful, then Ismaniela descended.
The storm began to rage again, three thunderstorms approached, from the South, from the North and from the West, and came together at this hour above the Holy Mountain. In the East, however, the evening sky was a clear blue, made bright by the slowly ascending moon which sent the energies of its rays to disperse the clouds.
The people were silent, only droplets trickled from leaves and small pebbles rolled into the hole that had been dug. The wind roared, lightning flashes lit up the forest. A thunderbolt crashed down and rolled across the entire sky from North to South as a greeting from Mercury.
The light of the rising full moon crept over the mountain, slipped from summit to summit down into the woods until broad waves of its brightness reached the bottom of the pit where Ismaniela knelt, searching.
Then there was whispering as of a soft wind, rustling as of soft, silky veils. There was the scent of roses and lilies. The entire spot was immersed in a rosy light. On flowing waves of spiritual currents All-Mother came down and spoke to the Son.
Ismaniela’s eye had seen the radiant ring again in the hands of the Primordial Queen and exclaimed blissfully:
“There is the ring!”
The soft, ringing voice of the Primordial Queen spoke:
“Hail, my Son! What the Father’s wisdom had provided for thousands of years is fulfilled through the faithful volition of your servants. The beginning has now been tied together with the end.
I place the radiant ring of power around your arm again as a sign that God’s Will now entered into Creation to revitalize it. A Cosmic Turning is now beginning spiritually and will prepare what must be fulfilled in all material worlds. The human spirit no longer has free will but must yield to God’s Will.
Today a radiant ring of loyalty has closed around you also on earth, my Son. And this holy place of fulfillment is made bright by the light of a brilliant crown resting on four shining snow-white pillars emerging from the ring of flames. Go forth, my Son, begin your work!
All elemental and animistic beings bow before you, ready to do your Will. The multitudes of spirits bow and call in exultation to you and MARIA: “Joy and victory!”
The human spirits must yield regardless of their desire, for Your Will out of the power of your Divine Father rules Creation.
The Darkness must hide and end in a terrible battle of destruction, owing to the Cosmic Turning Point!”
There was silence. The Word had faded away and the LORD prayed with His Disciples in gratitude.

quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2018

The Life of Abdrushin

The Life of Abdrushin

By Randolph Freeman Eales

This is the first account of Abdrushin Earthly life. It contains intimate features, which must be kept strictly confidential.

While Alwin, his brother, went to a university to study the administration of justice, and later became a distinguished “Amtgerichtsrat” in Doebeln, Oskar Ernst left Germany and travelled to the East.

In 1914, the Mayor of New York, a friend of Abdrushin, advised him to leave the United States owing to the danger of war. He reached English soil, but never got to Germany.

The amazing feature, however, succeeded the address. Abdrushin felt as if he were uplifted. His inner kernel dwelt in the Grail. Yet he was able to hear with his physical ears.

He bought it from a rich land-owner of the name of Schaar, who owned a big estate also in Necklenburg. It was in that Gralshaus that he began the first writing of the “Grail Lectures”. It was in 1921, when Hitler started the propagation of his cause under the title of “N.S.D.A.P.” (National Socialostische Deustche Arbeiter Partri)

When Abdrushin has fulfilled His earthly mission, mankind will have acknowledged His Message from the Holy Grail, the new Bible for the generations to come. 

He is a type of real manhood, assembling round him according to the law of attraction of homogeneous species the warriors and heroes off all ages. It sounds like a miracle or fairy tale, yet the happening took place within the limits os cosmic law, as to how The Lion, the Primordial mighty entity of sublime radiation, entered into the physical vessel of young Alexander, then a youth of about twenty years. I well remember perceiving him for the first time in 1930.

Her mission is to lead womanhood back to its rightful place, a task granted to her by the Creator from the very beginning. Irmingard is now ending her third decade, and has already lived once in Egypt under the name of “Nahome”, a princess captured by the evil horde of the Egyptians and saved by Abdrushin, the Prince of Light.

Those who have read carefully Hermann Rauschning’s book “Hitler Speaks” will remember him outlining Hitler’s plan, which is a plan of three times seven years – the first seven embracing world revolution, the second seven to create world war and the last seven years to devote himself to the greatest task, prophecy, the proclamation of the new faith, based on the revolutionary doctrine of civilisation. “Richard Wagner revealed it”, Hitler said.

I turn now to Elizabeth, the second daughter of Frau Maria. She married Mr. Herbert Vollmann, a pure and highly evolved human spirit, in September 1935 or 1936. 

At first this may seem hard and stern to you. But just herein lies the greatest help the human spirit can get, because it compels him to that activity which is the condition of every healthy creature in Creation.