sexta-feira, 27 de abril de 2018

Man and the Earth

Man and the Earth

By Abdrushin

What have men contributed to the formation of this earth that might give them the right to freely dispose of it! Constantly they argue about the distribution of property without a thought of what the real owner has to say about it.
Men, you have no intention of even concerning yourselves with this because you properly sense that such envious and hateful activity is against the will of the owner who graciously grants you the Earth as your dwelling place in the gross-material world.
This activity acutely characterizes humanity’s attitude toward their God and Creator! Empty words, hypocritical activity, or intrinsically empty deeds can no longer disguise this fact. Like vandals, earthmen wreak havoc on goods that were entrusted to them. These goods are entrusted to them merely for proper use in accordance with God’s purpose, and nothing else!
Therefore it cannot come as a surprise to you if the malicious, barbarous guests are thrown out of the dwelling which they continually defile, thus mocking the proprietor.
The proprietor! This is not an empty word, nor a hollow concept. I will explain it briefly and reveal in broad outline that this is indeed the way it is; for in these matters, too, you must pass from faith to conviction.
In this connection I will speak only of your dwelling, i.e. the earth! Of its formation.
You know that everything which can take on form in the worlds is contained within the radiation of the All-Holy Light. The radiation of the Light contains everything that was necessary for the Creation of all the worlds and that is essential for its maintenance. If you wish to follow me properly, you need, from the start, to make a sharp distinction between God, the All-Holy Light Itself, and the radiation of God.
You must not make the mistake of thinking that Light and its radiation are one and the same because the radiation emanates from the Light. Such reasoning would spring from h u m a n thinking, which is unable to reach such heights and is therefore unable to conceptualize it.
Be content, therefore, if I say that the direct radiation of God, although divine, is not God Himself. The two are different, not to be considered as one.
The direct radiation of God as such has its boundary in the Grail Castle. Beyond that it istransformed and can therefore no longer be characterized as divine.
 The further down it descends the more transformations it undergoes through cooling and the associated changes within itself. Nonetheless it must always be called radiation of the Light, and it remains so even in its transformations, yet there is a difference.
I have already explained all of this in my Message to the extent that an exact picture of this is provided. Today I will speak only of the formation of the earth. I will therefore pass over the transformations of the Light radiation and their effects, down to the world of matter and will start right off with the earth itself.
It is not easy to single out one thing from the universe to form a starting point, when everything is in motion and inseparable. Therefore, seek to understand this one sentence clearly:

Everything that is fundamental, driving, up building, supportive and sustaining is radiation!
Your desire to know must be firmly anchored in this. The pressure or the power of the Light itself forces the propelling and circular movement so that nothing can come to a standstill.
It is in this continuous movement, in combination with warming and cooling, that everything is formed, always into a very specific species, which, in accordance with the Law of Radiations could not be formed in any other way.
This may be taken as the basis for the picture which I will give.
On the way down to the points where materialities can solidify and take on form, there is much that has already detached itself in order to take on form, such as the various levels of the pure-spiritual, the spiritual and the pure substantiality. Planes and worlds could thus be formed which, while circulating within themselves, do not cross certain boundaries.
In the appropriate cooling of the radiations the gross-material rocks of the earth were able to consolidate, during which process elemental helpers, always exactly corresponding to the respective species of rocks, are consciously at work. Through their expanding consciousness these beings receive corresponding human forms
Water, air and soil had also separated at that point.
Let us suppose that when we look at this certain part of the world all we find is air, water, soil and rock. All this was contained in the radiation of God, but only at a specific point in the cooling process was it able to coalesce through movement thus becoming materially tangible and visible.
Despite gaining visibility in the cooling process each one of these species retains a certain element of radiation so that even rock has an intrinsic radiation which at the same time holds it together.
Now the rock is subjected to the influences of air and humidity as well as to changing temperatures, particularly on its surface. With time, these influences produce changes on the outermost layer known as weathering.
Since the inherent radiation of the rock permeates outward through the weathered layer setting this layer aglow, figuratively speaking, it is being transformed through this glowing before it can be effective outwardly because the weathering caused a change in the outermost layer of rock.
This completely natural alteration of the radiation also provides it with altered properties. As soon as this change of the rock radiation has reached a very specific degree it offers the possibility of solidification of seeds for lichen and mosses which are still loosely floating in the invisible general radiation.
These seeds are attracted by the type of radiation of the weathered rock, and corresponding elemental helpers carefully combine them, nurture them to maturation, and tend to the growth of the developing plants, which in turn develop their inherent radiation in the consolidation.
When they wilt and decay their radiation in turn undergoes a change which in a certain condition offers the way for consolidation of seeds for other plants. Everywhere, elemental helpers such as gnomes, elves, etc., who were able to form under the influence of the altered radiation prior to the coarser consolidation of the seed components, are lovingly and supportively at work. These have frequently been seen by various people
And so it continues onward in the upbuilding or the process of evolution, however man wishes to name it. The transformations of the radiations offer to ever new species the possibility of consolidation and development.
Thus the most diverse varieties of plants emerge, always following the lawful upbuilding contained within and manifesting through the transformations of the radiations.
Through the consolidation of the radiations of rock, decaying plants, water, and air and soil at certain lawfully determined qualities and quantities, emerge the first animals whose gross-material seeds are also invisibly present in the general radiation.
The respective mixture of radiations suitable for this purpose magnetically attracts the existing components from the main radiation, which of course always encompasses everything. Thus it is first the seed which forms as a condensation, and not the animal, which only develops from out of the consolidated seed.
With this the mystery of the familiar riddle is also solved: which came first on earth, the chicken or the egg?
Advancing step by step, evolution then proceeded with the creation of species in accordance with the laws inherent in changes in the radiations until, finally, in a very specific state of maturity, the most highly evolved animal obtained the kind of blood radiation that offered the human spirit germ the opportunity to incarnate. Indeed, through the nature of its blood radiation at that time it attracted, even forced the human spirit germ to incarnate and, while slowly awakening in the animal body, to remodel this body in order to form present-day man, including his outward appearance, in the advancing degrees of his self-awareness.
Today, I only wish to point to the genesis in a rough outline, in order to form a picture which shows you that everything has to be God’s property, because everything was formed out of His radiation and could not exist without it.
Man, however, has no share in the earth, but is merely permitted to inhabit it. The earth had already been formed when he was permitted to awaken upon it in order to develop a conscious existence.
Had you listened and adapted yourselves to the Divine Laws in creation, in humble acceptance of all of the gifts therein, which is equivalent to acting in accordance with these laws, you would already today be living in paradise on earth. Free from worry and strife, you would not even know envy and hatred, greed and lust for power; in short, you would be human beings!
Happy human beings who, vibrating in the radiance of the Light, continue in the upbuilding of the Kingdom which belongs to God.

Published in Die Stimme; Heft 5; 1937