terça-feira, 22 de maio de 2018

The Cross of the Holy Grail

The Cross of the Holy Grail

 By Abdrushin

Heavy remnants of the darkness surge around the earth as its only remaining stronghold provided by human beings whose volition and striving continually offer it new nourishment and grant it new space. However, the denser and darker the environment of humanity on earth becomes, the more radiantly apparent becomes the luminous Cross as a natural consequence. The Cross that God in fulfillment of His Promises gave to the earth for this dismal time and that He planted in the midst of the darkness for the salvation of all those who in true humility plead for His help. It is the radiant Cross of Truth in which stands anyone who comes from out of the Truth. And to come from out of the Truth means : to come out of the Divine, for in the Divine alone is the living Truth which manifests itself through this Cross. I have explained before that this Cross is not a symbol, not an emblem but Living Truth itself. In how far the human spirit can accept this fact so as to understand the meaning of my explanation is his task alone. In this I cannot help him nor feel as he does. He must endeavor ever and again to get clarity in seeing the sign as being alive, that the sign is Life itself! Truth cannot manifest itself other than in this radiant Cross; for this Cross is the Truth! Since Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came from out of the Truth , thisTruth was in Him and thus the living radiant Cross. And since I, too, was sent by God, the Father, from out of the Truth, as was prophesied, the Truth is also in me as is, therefore, the living, radiant Cross, not as a symbol of the Truth but as Truth Itself. Inseparable and unimitable. Note well, however, only the Cross with a golden radiance! A pale, wan cross can be feigned by the darkness but never the living, golden radiant Cross which is the Truth and not merely signifies It.
And this Truth embodied by this Cross which I bear ,which is alive in me , belongs to me as my own, is a part of me, is the base and foundational Cross which all true adherants of the Grail Message strive toward ; those who endeavor to adapt all their thoughts and actions to the Word, i.e. to truly live in accordance with its meaning, whether in the family or in working life. They are to be servants of the Truth! This does not mean to just speak the truth always and everywhere, which is the way this is usually understood, but to live according to the Truth in everything which means to live „naturally“. However, the concept of „living naturally“ is being distorted by the attempt to encapsulate the terms „natural“ and „nature“ in ludicrous one-sidedness. The slogan „back to Nature“ has already led to such nonsense as raw food diet, going barefoot or without stockings and much more. After but a few generations men would have turned their bodies back down into hairy animal bodies in a quite natural, but consciously brought about, retrogression! This strange urge is not surprising since human souls,with only a few exceptions, have been voluntarily degrading themselves for a long time and to very low levels.! A side effect of this degradation is the unhealthy maudlin enthusiasm for adopting indecencies as a delusional concept of non-existing spiritual progress , supposedly in order to put an end to prudishness. This is done in complete misunderstanding of the noble statement: „Everything is pure to the pure of heart.“
Holy wrath grips the light spirits that recognize how the pure meaning of this statement is flung into the gutter of barely contained lust, by hands that are dripping with dung.
Get rid of these errors! It is merely abuse of Nature and anything but living a „natural“ life! To live naturally means in reality to live in accordance with the firmly established laws of God from out of which everything developed. That is not to live against these laws but with them!
Perhaps he will understand it better if he replaces the word „Nature“ which so easily confuses him with the term „real life“ or „living reality“ into which every man is placed and which, depending on his own movements, obstructs and disturbs him or helps him to advance.
The purest origin of this „living reality“ or „real life in its purest form“ is described for humanity with the word „Truth“. Something that is alive and bears nothing untrue or false but only what is just and true without any blurring or disturbance. This in turn is the cause of and the condition for purest harmony! I purposely say „something alive“ rather than „ a life“ since the term „life“ would evoke wrong images again in people, too restricted.
To the one who followed me attentively, a gate will have opened to a new perspective!-
Thus, you are to serve the Truth! You are to be servants of the Truth and apply yourselves to the right life!
This, however, requires a complete inner transformation of mankind since they deviated from the actual true, real life to lead nothing but a sham life and must be considered inwardly dead, They are dead for true life or the Truth!
The transformation of man may be called re-birth or being born again!
The Son of God, too, once said: „unless someone is born again he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God!“
This being born again already happens during life on earth. Those who have the volition are enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit which I am able to to give to them and which all those who have been baptised by me have already received. But the power will also be received by those people who are baptised by my disciples to whom I granted the power to do so.
As a sign of the power received to be re-born and the commitment made therewith to serve only the Truth in every form the Cross of the Holy Grail is borne which is the likeness of the living Cross of Truth come to earth once again through me.
Every crossbearer must therefore be aware of the responsibility he has taken on and be watchful so as to be able to always regard it in faith, without having to blush or be ashamed. The Cross connects him with me and thus with the power to make and complete his ascent; for as long as he does not forsake his resolve the Cross will remain with him as a sign of visible connection with me and through me with the living Truth, even in the ethereal world and finally in the spiritual world. As he ascends it becomes ever lighter and more radiant until It finally opens for him the gate to the spiritual Grail Castle just as It will open for him the gate to the earthly Grail Castle here on earth .
However, if he stains this Cross an unimaginable burden will bear down upon him the pressure of which will eventually crush and destroy him! For he perjured himself against what must be most sacred to him, against life itself.
Therefore, this cross must not be worn casually. It is not a trinket or a badge which can be tossed aside as soon one is tired of it. Anyone who intentionally and casually puts aside this Cross, so as to no longer keep the vow he made when he received it, then puts himself and his spirit into a grave from which he will never be able to rise again!
This is true for every Cross, be it of silver, of gold, or on a ribbon. It is not chosen as a membership badge but only concerns the individual , each one alone. The cross does not grant him rights toward another. It does not make mutual connections but always works and binds only in a completely straight line to the origin of Truth itself. It holds him as if he were tied to It with a lifeline which he can cling to when he falters, if he so wills it. Such is the Silver Cross, which is held to be a sign of the volition and the power to be re-born for the spiritual realm, for eternal life!
The golden cross signifies called ones who wish to enter into direct service on earth, in order to help work, at my direction, humanity and the upbuilding in fulfillment of the Divine Will. Just as the the color of the gold is closer to the radiation of my Cross so it is to show that the called ones in their innermost being as well as outwardly come close to me personally, through the nature of their activity, that they connect my voliton completely with theirs which requires that their activity be only in the service of the Grail. If it is in the service of the Grail it must quite naturally also be in mine since I am the Guardian of the Holy Grail. Thus the bearers of the golden cross are obligated in their earthly activity primarily to obey my Will.
However this obedience must not be misunderstood. It is not the slavish, personal submission, but the voluntary adoption of the exact direction of my Will, which rests only in the service of God in the fulfillment of His exalted Will. And he who makes the Word of the Grail Message truly come alive within himself and lives accordingly adjusts himself to the Will of God and fulfills It, wherein lies obedience to me personally. Therein lies also fulfillment of my volition. He who wishes to serve me only to obey me personally, to please me, does not serve His Will nor does he serve the Grail and can therefore not come close to me; for I value only fulfillment of the Divine Will, nothing else.
It will always give me joy when a man endeavors to fulfill the Will of God which rests in His Word, in the Laws of His Creation. It is not difficult for a man to truly recognize the Will and soon to distinguish between the true word from the false one ; for where the word is not in harmony with the laws in Creation, i.e. with Nature, then the mistake is in the word. Man will soon recognize within himself the harmony or the dischord.
Such are the bearers of the golden cross. It will be a large circle since the task on earth in the service of the Grail will be great, greater than anything ever before. For this time it will intervene in everything there is on the earth in the life of man. In the upbuilding it will fundamentally reach into the ethereal and the spiritual sphere whence new power streams to him in a continual exchange. The nature of the activity of the golden crossbearers, however, is different. A part of them works independently, following my direction, in various occupations while embodying the way in which man is to work on earth. Newly awakened to life within themselves they are to work among men as witnesses for the rightness of my Will. Another part serves in support of my chosen Disciples, preparing and facilitating their path so that the possibility for their fields of activity will not be restricted by work that can be done by golden crossbearers.
For this reason no one must think that his activity in the service is too small for him; there is no service at all that would be so small as not needing to be done. Even the seemingly smallest service is urgently required for the performance of a great, or even the greatest task.
If only the smallest service is missing even the greatest one would also be compromised. It can be compromised even by negligent or careles performance of the small service. Moreover, even the smallest service, if done in loyalty and purity, can be so elevated as to noticeably reach into the greatest one. Whether something is to be considered small or great is never determined by „what“ but always by „how“ it is done!
Many have fallen because they considered their service too small and trivial;instead of giving value to the service by the way they performed it , it was often taken too lightly so that the greatest part had to suffer, and the called one came to fall, a fall from which he can never recover. Every service is part of and absolutely necessary for the whole; and everyone must employ his full devotion, his full attention and all his energy for its fulfillment. When a person is asked to perform only a small service and he fulfills it joyfully, with all his skill, then he makes this service valuable, and before God he counts in the fulfillment exactly as much as one who has to perform the greatest service. There is no difference.
However, he who feels slighted and considers his service to be too small shows therewith that he is no longer worthy of wearing the golden cross! He disrespects the honor granted him and is no longer worthy of such Grace. The image is that of the chosen Disciples standing ,their feet firmly set in the circle of the designated number of golden crossbearers, their hands reaching out to me and being the connecting link to the entire humanity!
If the foundation on which they stand is not pure and clear, vigorous and loyal because of the discontent and of the nature of the golden crossbearers , then this unsound condition becomes noticeable as far as up to me, since I must, in the circle of my Disciples, stand perfectly within human purity so as to , drawing from the Divine Itself, transmit only that which is pure to all humanity. Therefore, everyone must stand firmly at his assigned post or he will definitely be cast away so that another, more grateful for being allowed to serve, can take his place. This much as for the Golden Cross.
The Crosses with the stone on the ribbon signify chosen ones who were called already before being born in order to form that circle around me which is necessary for me to fulfill my mission on earth. It is not a military scheme nor is it a matter of class or caste or has any resemblance to any kind of earthly custom when these chosen Disciples here on earth take a position toward humanity which entails , even requires, a wide distance. The distance is not brought about outwardly, it is not created artificially but is something quite matter- of- fact and natural and has a very lasting effect in the ethereal and even more so in the spiritual sphere. It arises automatically, simply out of the nature of the matter.There is no other way.If I myself can justifyably be called Envoy of God, then humanity does not go wrong in calling my chosen Disciples Spiritual Envoys. The term is justified by the mission on earth which is solely for the purpose of being united with me. The reason for the mission dates back thousands of years. Their being on earth has had a single purpose: to be here at the hour of fulfillment and to fulfill their respective task faithfully. A second crucial reason for the distance lies in the reception of the Holy Power through me, which enables them to bless and baptise those who ask for it. This is not possible for anyone else on earth. The effect of the spiritual law is quite automatic and results quite naturally in the necessary distance. In the spiritual and ethereal spheres reduction or disregard of the distance is impossible and for humanity on earth it is now law to keep the same distance, namely for all human spirits who strive toward the Light. No one may consider himself to have equal rights. There is no right so great as to grant liberties against my Disciples! Either in demands or merely in wishes! Anything forbidden as a matter of course in the spiritual realm must no longer be trespassed against by those who bear the Cross of Truth! This does not apply to particular details but to everything, without exception, pertaining to life on earth! In this all bearers of the golden Cross in their preferential status of having been called already must be examples to the others. Through absolute adherance and through their activity they must set examples for the entire humanity, so that it will never come to a decline!
In all circles there is common service with the uniform goal of striving upward, every one at his assigned post. However, community in earthly matters never comes into consideration. Since the upbuilding of the Kingdom of the Millenium in the service of the Holy Grail concerns the entire earth and, beyond the earth, has proceded throughout the entire Creation, the absolute necessity of fulfilling the natural distance requirements must be observed with iron strictness from the start! Only in this way can the immutable spiritual lawfulness be observed which must now be complied with in earthly happenings also, so as to prevent from occurring again the presumptious laxity that causes such confusion as to make every earthlife in our present time a pain rather than a joy and had to lead to ruin.
Upon you small initial circle on earth there is now placed a high obligation. And in this too you must become radiant examples for the new kingdom! Live according to the laws already now, show the conviction of your will by fulfilling them, so that through your ways , through your nature people, when they climb this mountain in search of help, will understand these ground rules to be a natural matter of course and will carry them out into all the world! Through your living example you will make it easy for them, you will open their souls!
In the beginning it may be hard for you to wrestle free from your former views, to renounce desires which may have arisen from false concepts of Divine laws which lead to happiness and harmony only if they are adhered to. Bear in mind that harmony does not consist of one tone, but of a variety of tones flowing toward one goal, forced by a strict guidance and immutable laws!

Published in: Gralsblätter (Grail Brochures) Series II; Book 6 and 7; 1930