Cult should be the endeavour which has taken on form,
to make in some way acceptable to the earthly senses something that is beyond
earthly comprehension.
It should be the endeavour which
has taken on form, but unfortunately this is not yet so; for otherwise many
things would have to have quite different forms if they had emergedfrom the endeavour itself.
The right way for
this requires the breaking forth of the outward forms from the inmost being.
But all we see today is an intellectual upbuilding,
into which the intuitive perceptions are only afterwards to be pressed. Thus the opposite way
is taken, which naturally might just as well be called the reverse or wrong
way, that can never really be inwardly alive.
As a result many a thing
appears clumsy or obtrusive, which in another form would come much nearer to
the real volition,
and only then could have a convincing effect.
Much that is
well-intentioned must repel rather than convince, because the right form for it
has not yet been found, which the intellect can never give for something that
is beyond earthly comprehension!
So is it also in the
churches. The intellectual upbuilding here, which is directed towards earthly
influence, is only too evident, and much that is good fails to impress because
it has an unnatural effect.
On the other hand only
that which does not conform to the Laws of Creation can have an unnatural
effect. Just such things, however, are very much in evidence in the present-day
cults, where simply everything that is opposed to the natural Laws of Creation
is shrouded in a mysterious darkness.
However, just by
unconsciously never speaking of a mysterious light in such matters, but always
only of a mysterious darkness, men strike the right note; for the Light knows
no veiling, therefore also no mysticism either, which should have no place in
the Creation that arose out of the perfect Will of God, and works automatically
in accordance with an unchangeable rhythm. Nothing is more clear in its weaving
than just Creation, which is the Work of God!
Therein lies the secret
of success and continuity, or of collapse. Where something is built on these
living Laws of Creation, there they help, bring success and also continuity.
But where these Laws are not observed, either through ignorance or self-will,
sooner or later collapse must inevitably follow; for nothing that does not
stand on a firm and solid foundation can endure permanently.
That is why so much of
man’s work is transient when it need not be so. This includes many kinds of
cults, which have to undergo continual changes to prevent them from complete
In the simplest and
clearest manner, the Son of God gave to earthmen in His Word the right path
on which to lead their lives on earth in accordance with this weaving of
Creation; so that through the Laws of God that operate in the weaving of
Creation they might be helped, sustained and uplifted to Luminous Heights, and
so also attain to peace and joy on earth.
Unfortunately, however,
the churches have not followed the way to the redemption and upliftment of
mankind, quite clearly explained and given to them by the Son of God Himself.
Instead they have added to His teaching many of their own ideas as well,
thereby naturally creating confusion, which was bound to cause dissensions because
it was not in accordance with the Laws of Creation, and therefore, strange as
it may sound, is also opposed to the clear teaching of the Son of God, although
they call themselves Christians after Him.
So is it, for example,
with the mariolatry of the papal Christians. Did Jesus, Who taught men everything, how they should think and act, yes even speak and pray, in order
to do what is right and what lies in the Will of God, ever say even one single
word of the kind? No, He
did not! And this is a proof that He did not
wish it either, that it was not to be!
There are even
statements by Him which prove the opposite of what mariolatry implies.
And surely Christians
would wish through honest living to follow only Christ, otherwise they would
not be Christians.
If still more has now
been added by men, and the papal churches act otherwise than as Christ taught,
it is proof that this church has the effrontery to set itself above the
Son of God; for it tries to improve on His Words by instituting practices which
the Son of God did not want, because otherwise He would undoubtedly
also have taught them, judging by all He gave to men.
Certainly, there is a
Queen of Heaven, Who according to earthly conceptions could also be called the
Primordial Mother, and Who yet possesses the purest virginity. She however has
dwelt from all eternity in the Highest
Heights, and has never been incarnated in an
earthly body!
And it is She, Her radiated picture, but not in reality Herself, that can occasionally be “seen” or
“intuitively perceived” by persons who have been profoundly moved. Through Her,
help often comes at such an accelerated speed that people call it a miracle.
However, it is never
possible, even for the most matured human spirit, to have an actual vision of
this Primordial Queen Herself, because in accordance with the inflexible Laws
of Creation each species can only always see the same species. Thus the
physical eye can only see earthly things, the ethereal eye only ethereal
things, the spiritual eye only spiritual things, and so on.
And since the
human spirit can only see the spiritual, from which it has emerged, it is
unable actually to behold the Primordial Queen, Who is of a much higher
species. But should anyone ever be so blessed, it would only be
possible to see Her
spiritually radiated picture. This,
however, appears so lifelike, and can be so strong even in its radiation, that
it works miracles wherever it finds the soil prepared for it, through
unshakable faith or the deep emotions arising out of suffering or joy.
This lies in the working
of Creation, which issues from and is sustained by the perfect Will of God. In
this working also lies all help for men from the beginning and unto all
eternity, providing they themselves do not turn away from it in their pretentious
God manifests in
Creation; for it is His perfect Work.
And it is just on
account of this perfection that the earthly birth of the Son of God had also to
be preceded by a physical procreation. Whoever asserts the contrary throws
doubt on the perfection of the Works of God, and thus also on the perfection of God
Himself, out of Whose Will Creation issued.
An immaculate conception is a conception in purest love, as opposed to a
conception in sinful lust! But no earthly birth without procreation.
If an earthly
conception, that is, a physical procreation as such could not be immaculate,
then every motherhood would have to be regarded as unclean!
Through Creation God
also speaks, and clearly shows His Will.
To recognise this Will
is the duty of man. And the Son of God in His Holy Word showed the right way to
do so, because men had made no effort towards it, and had thus entangled
themselves more and more in the self-acting Laws of Creation.
This inflexible weaving
of Creation was bound to destroy men in time through their ignorance and
misapplication; whereas it will raise mankind on high if they live aright
according to the Will of God.
Reward and punishment
for man lie in the weaving of Creation, which is perpetually and unswervingly
guided by the Will of God Itself. In it also lies rejection or redemption! It
is relentless and just, always impartial, never arbitrary.
In it lies the
indescribable Greatness of God, His Love and Justice. That is, in His Work, which He made over to man and to many other beings, as a dwelling-place
and a home.
The time has now come
for men to acquire the knowledge of it, so that with complete conviction they
will come to the recognition
of God’s activity, which is expressed in His Work!
of God’s activity, which is expressed in His Work!
Then every earthman will
stand quite unshakable here on earth, filled with the most joyful eagerness to
work, most gratefully looking up to God, because recognition links him for all
time through the knowledge!
In order to convey to
mankind such knowledge, which gives them a clear and intelligible conviction of
the working of God in His Justice and Love, I have written the work “In the
Light of Truth”, which leaves no gap, contains the answer to every question,
and clearly shows to mankind how wonderful are the ways in Creation that are
upheld by many servants of His Will.
But God
alone is Holy!
Published in Die Stimme (The Voice) notebook 11;